More psoriasis treatment in the body?

More psoriasis treatment of the body

Researchers, in recent years, psoriasis is more common in the body before. The disease is a chronic inflammatory process, accompanied by significant lesions, red rash in the form of plaque and the skin is popular. Unfortunately, completely to get rid of it, anyone unable to illness. In due time, a disease-infested person in a lifetime, I couldn't keep on a regular basis with new power. More treatment for psoriasis and apply the tool body which is to consider in detail.

Property pathology, his character and what each individual patient's psoriasis is manifested in different ways. Efforts often remain unexplained rash symptoms causes doctors to steer and everything should remain a maximum of decrease of pathology.

What is psoriasis occurs and why

Applies to disease, non-communicable diseases-related skin disease. Due to various circumstances, a person, the interruption of a normal process of cell division. A status update of a person's normal passes through the dermis layer of 25-30 days. In psoriasis, this period may be reduced up to 5 days. Such a process is loss to provoke the relationship between package and skin cells made up of his rude rejection. Popular leather start to appear on the plaque and on the cover, usually bright red or pink in color.

What is visible in the body psoriasis? To scientists, the answer is, causes, development of psoriasis. None of the existing theories are not proven and formally approved. There just based on assumptions, which highlight a specific disease causes. So, what of the body visible psoriasis next:

  • violation of foreign exchange transactions, the dermis and the organism in general;
  • unbalanced hormonal background. Violations that may occur due to the endocrine system organs that work;
  • infectious diseases and often dry;
  • weakening immune;
  • often mechanical damage as well as the impact of chemical substances;
  • rashes may occur on a background is usually a psychosomatic disorder;
  • alcohol and some medications and more.
Stage and the symptoms of psoriasis

Stage and the symptoms of psoriasis

The flow always depends on the stage of the symptoms of the disease pathology. Advanced analysis of the basic stages of the disease course, both characteristic symptoms of each.

A progressive scene

They say that the first manifestation of the disease in what shape, or the next exacerbation. At this stage the characteristic psoriatic plaques and the emergence of a large number of spots increases in size accompanied by a strong inflammation. Also available unbearable sensation, itching, skin pain, can be robbed. A strong sense of discomfort the patient experiences.

Inpatient scene

Plaques in an area consisting of less violence here, but about thorough cleansing, skin, speech does not go. The same delivered to the patient discomfort, rashes, itching, the skin angry and bitter. Intralesional injections continues to rise and a large papules combine. Should be tightly covered with a whitish plaque scales.

Stage recourse

This stage is called the recovery stage. Popular stops growth, leather, starts slowly cleaned. Indication goes decrease skin redness inflammation. Very important, it doesn't improve the patient's condition, stopping treatment. Here all effort is directed a full recovery and prevent the recurrence of the skin.

Any diseases — psoriasis of the body looks like a photo

Kind of pathology, quite a lot. Each is characterized by the features, and weight of the flow disorder. Think forward basic types of psoriasis in the body.

Tabula psoriasis informicus

That is one of the most common types is a disease. Offers more than 80% of all patients. His other name or vulgar psoriasis vulgaris. Characteristic findings, training stain on the body, protruding a few millimeters above the surface of the skin. They sheltered red or pink color and white or gray scales. The affected skin is itchy and easily damaged.


Chaotic include lesions in the form of drops. This type of the skin that may occur on any part of adults and adolescents. Most size rash may be a variety of pea, the size of the lesions are quite large, with a diameter of eggs. In the first stage, the plates may be small, but the number of disease increases with the development. A rash must cover the entire body slowly.

Reverse (psoriasis flexing surfaces)

From the outside, psoriatic skin rashes, smoother, more any other kind. While on this form, incomplete peeling or minimal expression. Plaques in skin folds often dislocation. Other parts of the body are affected. The most common rash appears, armpits, groin, under the breast, inner thighs. Throughout the illness is aggravated during the summer months, like, expenditure, assets and business of the sweat glands. Sweat provokes a favorable environment for disease-causing organisms.


With views of the most severe disease. In this way, a transparent liquid with bubbles visible in the patient's body protruding a few millimeters on the skin. This is known as blisters, pustules, and from where the name. Places the appearance of a rash in the skin to be red, inflamed and painful. Pustules are usually localized upper and lower extremity, in more severe cases the rash may be spread throughout the body, merge with a large intralesional injections.

Nail psoriasis

This type of practice is called medical onikodistrofi. Here the affected nail them with even more distortion and detachment of the body finger. The disease spreads rapidly, healthy nails and skin. Malpractice or in his absence, the scars can remain a lifetime.

Erythrodermic psoriasis

The main symptom, such a detachment of the affected skin, inflammation and strong in the dermis layer of the skin rough. Also available here symptoms such as itching, swelling, flaking, redness and inflammatory process development.

Usually can be seen in this form, blood poisoning, leading to a serious situation the patient and can even be fatal.

Psoriatic arthritis

As well as the pathology of the body joint inflammation with rash. In patients with severe joint pain and Nov. The most commonly affected fingers, hand, and lower extremity. You may increase the size of the phalanx, swelling and the like. The injury that provokes the disease, the treatment is usually timeless.

The basic principles of the body psoriasis treatment

Well, how is it treated in the body psoriasis? The disease is the most common treatment starts with application tools designed for topical application. Specific drugs, ointments, creams, lotions, sprays, and are applied in places where the skin lesions. Light of drugs when the individual in the form of disease, the more severe forms, a combined action of the proposed medication.

Rough skin with a special emollient creams doctors resolve the shell. On the body psoriasis ointment is applied, the thicker the layers, the incentive dermis softening Horny, m is an easy problem to him.

Pathology and medical prescription medication for psoriasis the body not only the doctor. Typically, experts are used in applications, hormonal, non-hormonal medicines ointments and vitamin D3.

The basic principles of the body psoriasis treatment

Frequent use of methods such as ultrasound treatment treatment with with synthetic drugs. This type of treatment is called light therapy in medical practice. This procedure is very safe and effective way.

Used on the scalp psoriasis is medicated shampoos, gels and masks. Because the disease is quite hard to skin the hair, hair is a barrier to the effects of therapeutic components.

Medicine application

Prescription only psoriasis on the body and vehicle be an expert. Self-treatment is unacceptable. Psoriasis is a skin disease and the patient may be easily confused with other to cure it is nothing.

Drugs psoriasis of the body are divided into the following groups:

  1. Corticosteroids. These tools a powerful effect, however, their major drawback has many side effects. Definitely a recipe to apply them.
  2. Medication consists of vitamin D3. The treatment of this disease it is necessary vitamins. Saturation of the body magnesium, zinc, potassium helps to restore the immune skin and promotes healing.
  3. Tar medications. This product that contains soaps, shampoos, ointments, and gels. Using your illness to get rid of mezhevoy, pine and birch tar.
  4. Complications during the application, the local money is not enough. In such cases, doctors inject course therapy, light therapy, laser therapy and other physiotherapy.

    Role of traditional medicine

    We look forward psoriasis how is it treated of the body of public methods. For this purpose the most commonly used ointment, homemade, and several drugs and herbal based. Several effective recipes to consider, more in the body psoriasis treatment in the house.

    Flax seed for skin cleansing

    You must put 2 tablespoons of flax seeds and bay for dinner medication 1 L thermos of boiling water, cover tightly close. Must be in the mixture to steep for at least 10 hours. Tincture must be consumed on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening.

    Flax seed for skin cleansing

    Soda treatment

    Recommended to clean the affected skin 5-6 times a day normal mortar baking powder. 2 teaspoons of baking powder dissolved in a glass of boiled water for this. The need for a solution treated carefully with a wet cotton disk and plaques.

    Onion compress

    Dinner need to take medicine for normal onion and chop finely. Wrapped in gauze and applied the resulting mixture for 20-30 minutes hit home. You should continue cleansing the skin before treatment.

    The treatment of psoriasis of the body is a long and complicated process. You can only achieve success the infrastructure to take care of their own health and make an effort to be plastered.